Punching Bag - Made in the USA - 100 lbs
$140 - $233

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Punching Bag Made in the USA | 4Ft x 100lbs.
Premium quality punching bag made with pride in house in Milwaukee, WI USA! Suitable for commercial or home use this 100 lb heavy bag will handle the hardest knees, punches, kicks and elbows. All USA made heavy bags are MADE TO ORDER additional processing time is listed above with a checkbox, once order is submitted it can not be canceled. Since they are made to order they are NON-RETURNABLE.
Product Specifications

Ratings and reviews
Best bag on the market.!
This is by far the best heavy bag I've ever used. The stitching and durability of this is amazing. What I love most about this bag is that even though it holds a good weight, there is not a single hard spot. The packing inside is distributed evenly. Top to bottom, this bag was made with the intent of longevity. Any fighter or gym looking for a quality heavy bag, look no further.Bryan Carroll
100 Pound Heavy Bag
Just hung it up - looks great and well made, feels great!Mike Seamans
Great bag
Just got this delivered, filled. Obviously the shipping is steep to do that. But the bag is top quality as is the fill. Great quality top to bottom, can’t wait to beat the #*!$! out of it!Joe