Jumping rope has long been used by fighters for many reasons. It improves cardio, keeps you light on your feet, is a great warmup, and a great way to burn extra calories for losing weight.
An MMA Workout for Everyone
MMA or “mixed martial arts” is a style of combat that combines many different martial arts into one all-encompassing art form. With the rise of the popularity of the UFC and other big organizations, MMA has become a mainstream form of entertainment.
The men and women you see competing in mixed martial arts are some of the best conditioned athletes around – training hours a day to keep up with the constant evolution of the sport. With this rise in popularity, a lot of everyday people looking to get in shape or take on a new hobby have become interested in trying it.
The question is, can a hobbyist still get the benefits of training elements of this sport without being a full-time athlete? The answer is: Of Course! With my experience fighting and training in MMA, I have chosen certain elements that I believe could benefit anyone and created an MMA-inspired workout circuit.
- Do each exercise for 2 min non-stop with 30 seconds rest in between.
- This workout is a full body workout that builds technique, strength, and cardio fitness.
- Much like the elements required for mixed martial arts.
- This is around a 25 min workout going one time through.
- Repeat the circuit to increase difficulty.

1. Jump Rope
2. Shadow Box
Shadow boxing has a lot of the benefits of jumping ropes, but its most important benefit is creating technical repetition and visualisation. If you’re doing it right it also is an excellent workout. Start with just punches and add in kicks, elbows, knees and shots as you become more advanced.

3. Punches
For this circuit to keep it simple, you’ll be doing straight non-stop punches on the heavy bag. As you become more advanced, you can play around with different combinations and rhythms.
4. Teeps
Using the heavy bag or even the wall, you can do non-stop alternating teep kicks. This helps with hip mobility, balance, and your kick dexterity. If you are using the heavy bag you can practice your accuracy and/or power which will also improve your leg strength.

5. Lunges
Lunges are a great way to build your balance, as well as, quad, glute, and hamstring strength. This exercise is a great way of mimicking the drop step for wrestling.
6. Russian Twists
In every martial art, core strength is imperative- especially jiu-jitsu. Russian twists are a great way to build core, while working your balance. You can do them unweighted or use a medicine ball to make it more difficult.

7. Planks
In every martial art, core strength is imperative- especially jiu-jitsu. Russian twists are a great way to build core, while working your balance. You can do them unweighted or use a medicine ball to make it more difficult.
8. Pushups
Start on your knees if you’re a beginner and work to regular push ups. Once your technique is solid, work to push ups on your knuckles. Always keep your hands as wide as the frame of your body and lined up with your chest. This is a great way to build punching strength and endurance.

9. Ground and Pound
An element that is very MMA specific. Use a dummy bag to play around with different positions and work on punching power and technique. If you are new to the sport, you can just mount the bag (straddle on top) and throw non-stop 1-2 punches. This works core and punching power as well as balance.
10. Shadow Box w/ Sprawls and Burpees
Finish the circuit strong with realistic MMA shadow boxing adding sprawls to stuff shots. If you are a novice, you can shadow box and add a burpee in here and there to mimic the type of movement and cardio sprawling creates.

Doing this workout in its entirety a few times a week will definitely have you well on your way to building more muscle, burning fat, and increasing your cardio.
This total body workout gives you just a little taste of what your favorite MMA fighter goes through in just one training session. All of these exercises can be modified and done without equipment if need be.
No heavy bag? Use cans of soup and do weighted punches. Teep the wall. Ground and pound a pillow. No excuses. Turn on some music, get a friend to join, and get to work!