After working, training, and competing in martial arts for almost ten years now, I have seen all the ways training can improve a person’s life. I have seen a lot of women change their lives completely, but I have also seen a lot of women who were afraid to take the plunge. As a woman myself, I understand the different reasons other women may be turned off by the idea or discouraged. Whether it’s the nature of training the different martial arts, the atmosphere, or the lack of females on the mat, martial arts continues to be a male dominated world.
I have always pushed and encouraged women to join or at least try a class. I have even taught my own womens-only kickboxing class for a period of time. Why do I care? Well, I have personally seen the many ways in which my life has improved since I discovered martial arts and I think it would be a shame for other women to miss out on that opportunity. When you discover something amazing, it’s hard not to want other people to experience that amazing thing.
Ladies, if you are on the fence about trying, take a look at this list I have compiled of 5 of the most important ways martial arts has improved my life. Hopefully, it’ll give you a little insight and maybe the encouragement you need to take that first step towards trying something new.